The role of meat in society today

Challenges and opportunities for defining the role and value of meat for our global society and economy.
Meat’s role in society is heavily debated. On balance, scientific evidence supports the critical role of animals in the environment and meat in human nutrition, but alternative radical views spread through social media have influenced public beliefs. Despite meat’s economic and nutritional importance, there are now calls to drastically reduce or sometimes even eliminate its production, based on the argument that plant-based foods can replace meat to continue feeding a growing population.
Certain media, NGOs, and policymakers present meat in an excessively negative manner, citing evidence in a misleading way or quoting isolated and ‘convenient’ studies based on questionable assumptions. This has fueled a debate dominated by ideology. Scientific communication, however, must be clear, rigorous, and accessible to ensure that decisions are effectively evidence-based.
In such a context of negativity, reduced research funding and resources threaten the meat industry’s ability to innovate and improve efficiency, safety, quality, animal welfare, health, and environmental sustainability. Addressing these challenges is critical as global meat production is projected to reach 373 Mt by 2030 and will need to feed 2 billion more people by 2050. Moreover, the effective use of grazing animals to improve soil health, carbon capture, water retention, and drought resilience must be part of the sustainability agenda. Animal agriculture’s societal role spans health, economic, and social considerations and should be evaluated as such.
Collaboration between industry and academia is key to innovation. Engaging young people, breaking traditional boundaries, and fostering collaboration at all levels are essential. At the same time, open dialogue and widespread involvement will be necessary to address the many challenges and find lasting solutions.
See the full Paper by Rod Polkinghorne, Mohammad Koohmaraie, Collette Kaster, Declan Troy, Andrea Rosati, “Challenges and opportunities for defining the role and value of meat for our global society and economy | Animal Frontiers | Oxford Academic (“