Beyond the Headlines

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Lab-grown meat: promises, pitfalls and unresolved challenges

Investments in the cultured meat industry are plummeting despite numerous companies applying to the European Food...

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Dig Deeper

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Are we massively subsidising livestock production in Europe?

Some interest groups believe that not only is meat and milk production massively subsidised, but also indirectly, the...

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European Livestock Voice partners welcome the launch of the new Intergroup on Sustainable Livestock

The European Parliament has officially established the Intergroup on Sustainable Livestock with the support of numerous...

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Farmers’ solutions: What is a RENURE project?

The 9 Paradoxes of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Carbon Farming – How does it work in practice? A concrete example from Belgium

Campaign Manifesto

It is a fact, The livestock sector is today at the epicentre of public debates in Europe and beyond. With these debates come many myths and stereotypes, and they portray a picture that is in stark contrast with the reality experienced by farmers and professionals on ground. This situation is dangerous as the EU livestock farming model will face tremendous challenges to ensure economic viability, generational renewal and adaptation to societal and environmental demands. 

The EU livestock farming model, based on diversified, local and family farm structures, is the backbone of EU’s rural areas. It supports a great number of jobs and industries, it contributes to a circular and bio-economy, while also ensuring a steady and affordable supply of nutritious foods, needed for a balanced diet. While the sector is both fully aware of and acting on many challenges, the removal of livestock farming from Europe – a “Livestock Exit” – would have severe consequences. European Livestock Voice aims to bring forward the facts from the “boots on the ground” side of the story and offer some balance to the debate on the future of livestock. We won’t tell you what to think or to do but it is essential that you get the two sides of the story, because when you make a choice, you also choose all its consequences! #MeattheFacts