Event: Supporting the initiative for an Intergroup on Sustainable Livestock

European Livestock Voice supported the organisation of a breakfast event in the European Parliament to launch an initiative for establishing an Intergroup on Sustainable Livestock

The 3 initiators of the Intergroup initiative, MEPs Grapini, Bernhuber and Cassart kicked off the event by highlighting that current debates in the European Impairment focusing on animal farming are extremely divisive and that there is a lot of misinformation and one-sided views taking hold. This is was one of the main reasons why they decided to come together to create this Intergroup, as there is a need for more balanced discussions on animal farming. They all agreed that ensuring balanced and open discussion should be a guiding principle for any « cross-partisan » Intergroup.

The event was well attended, with more than 50 participants, including over 25 MEPs, APAs and advisors from different political groups, all with a clear interest in depolarising the debates and working together for feasible solutions for a more sustainable future.

Frank O’Mara, Director at the Irish Institute for Agricultural Research, Teagasc and president of the Animal Task Force presented the task force’s most recent research on the sustainability of animal farming. He highlighted that when it comes to making improvements in the sector, this is often much more complex than simply reducing herd sizes. The science of animal production is evolving quickly and an Intergroup would be a prime place to keep MEPs informed about the latest data and research in the field.

In the concluding remarks, Roxane Feller, current chair of European Livestock Voice shared a somewhat alarming statistic from social listening carried out a few years ago showing only 1% social media messaging on animal farming originated from stakeholders actually working within the animal value chain. This means that 99% of the other messages on the sector are not necessarily coming from sources that have any understanding of the sector. Actors from along the food production chain – AnimalhealthEurope, AVEC, Clitravi, Copa Cogeca, Cotance, EFFAB, Euro Foie Gras, ERA, FEAP, FEFAC, FEFANA, FurEurope and UECBV – are supporting the creation of the Intergroup to help rebalance this discussion, both on social media and in the European institutions. This event was the first step to encourage real dialogue between civil society, the institutions, scientists and the animal value chain.